Your privacy is important to Twist Your Spirits, LLC (hereinafter “TYS,” “we” or “us”). This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes the types of information we gather, how we use it, with whom the information may be shared, what choices are available to you regarding collection, use and distribution of information and our efforts to protect the information you provide to us through our website at www.twistyourspirits.com (the “Website”). By using the Website and the tools and services available thereon, or by ordering from the Website (collectively, the “Services”), you hereby consent to allow us to process information in accordance with this Policy. Please also refer to our Terms of Use, which are incorporated as if fully recited herein, if you have not already done so.
This Policy is subject to change. If our information retention or usage practices materially change, we will let you know by posting the Policy changes on the Site and/or otherwise making you aware of the changes. Please refer to the “Effective Date” above to see when this Policy was last updated.
Regardless of where our servers are located, your personal data will be processed by us in the united states, where data protection and privacy regulations may or may not be to the same level of protection as in other parts of the world. By visiting this website and the service, you unequivocally and unambiguously consent to the collection and processing in the united states of any information collected or obtained by us through voluntary submissions, and that u.S. Law governs any such collection and processing.
Information Collected
We collect two types of information about persons who use our Services: voluntarily provided personal information and automatically collected information.
Personal Information Collected
TYS does not collect any Personal Information about you without your voluntary consent. This information may be supplied by you to TYS when you purchase goods through the Services,