I mean...I get it, I live in Southern California, I cannot complain. No humidity. No rain. But still, it's SO hot. Even my kids made me leave the playground they dragged me to because it was too hot. Come on, mommy!
I am someone who, midway through blow drying my hair will stick my head in the freezer. Partly because I think it'll make my hair maintain the straightness, but mostly because, well, it's just so damn hot.
I grew up on the East Coast. I will always prefer to be cold versus hot. Cold you just layer up. Hot...well...that's a different blog.
BUT! One thing that's good about the heat is the excuse (like I need more?) to indulge in cocktails. Drinking cocktails outdoors somehow enhances the enjoyment factor. Holding the ice cold glass is refreshing. Listening to the ice clink against the side of the glass is fun. Even twisting the drink on the table and watching the water mark make rings on the table is entertaining. Let's face it. Cocktail-ing is a good time.
Since my favorite cocktail kit is the Spiced Apple Toddy, it's really no surprise that my second favorite is the Spiced Apple Shandy (free with a summer subscription!) which is the Toddy, but suggested with beer. Before I had kids, my husband and I would just sit outside, play Scrabble and drink beer in the late afternoons and that was bliss.
Now when we get that chance, it's even more wonderful and I'm so grateful for it so I want to savor the moments. The #winning (which I usually do) as well as the fact that #its5oclockintheglass.