My husband, whom I love (but frustrates the crap out of me sometimes), likes to take advantage of my Amazon Prime account. I get emails for shit he's bought all the time I think is bizarre. But this once, this once time, he bought a water bottle that KEEPS BEVERAGES COLD. I love this bottle so much - it's perfect for our kids on a long day when the water in their sippy cups doesn't stay cold and their 4 year old selves cannot process the concept of why why why?!?! It's perfect for me on that same day because you know what? After sitting on a toasty playground for an hour, momma wants a refreshing sip of water too. But mostly, the water bottle is perfect for summer day cocktail batching!
I think it's fairly obvious at this phase that I like to drink. I like to drink with my friends, with my family, with my business partners, with my kids watching. I'll drink on a train, in a plane, with ice and with mice (well, maybe not that one). And so it is, memorial day - the unofficial start to summer - is upon us and with that I think, what are we drinking?
And here's the thing - I'm going somewhere hot. Like 105 degrees hot. Africa hot. Hot hot hot. So how can I reconcile that heat with cocktails?
That's right! Hubby's water bottle (x2).